Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What would Jesus Do?...

...Before you say, "How trite!", let me just say that many people are currently using that phrase as a personal public defense of their position or behaviour or action which in reality is exclusionary, and at best a refocus of mission to other and new even unknown co-ordiniates, rather than an increase in inclusion. To those to whom it applies, and you know who you are, Jesus very rarely excluded any who were earnest in their desire to meet with Him, He even went out of His way to meet with them and had Paul set things up through Timothy and others to provide ministry and opportunity to edify those who had demonstrated faith by their courage and perspecuity and perseverance...so what! in goodness sakes alive are you doing?! Maintain what you have and work to increase by the addition of new focii.


Adamant moderation

is juat a way of saying you can overdo just about anything. The moderate side seems to have taken a moniker for itself to try and give itself the high ground of Jesus thought process and in so doing often take the role of Job just before god begins to holler at him from inside a whirlwind....

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Fun duh mentality

Fundamental of or relating to the necessary

fundamentalism one of a modern group of protestants

modern and basic?

how does this jibe? I have my doubts! I have a Great Grandfather from Missouri, you know, I mean like what are the fundamentals the fundamentalists of fundamentalism purporting? Love and forgiveness? the Faithfulness of God to an unwarranted people?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

between the lines

only time will tell whether or not we can finally become as side.