Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Emerging Community of Believers and their Mission

St Patrick's strength may have been his "conclaved" community of believers, today's world calls many of those kind of physical communities cults. But today's technology gives us an opportunity to build a new kind of 'community'. Physical constraints are falling away into less invasive but perhaps more personal channels of communication.

We, at Shadow Hills in Lubbock, have just started a (Connections) Mission Moment, where someone with a recent opportunity to be 'Jesus Walking' outside the four walls is given a five minute pulpit on Sunday Morn. We are hoping the examples set become more and more ensamples so that at a point in time we have more folks hoping to share their 'Jesus Walking' experiences as we have wanting to make a special music presentation.

What sort of resources are able to attend to these kind of grass roots attitude adjustments which seem like they could, and dare I say ought, to be a good part the emerging church?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Whether to destroy it, build it, or just hang onto it...

,,,is the very thing I have been trying to arrange, in just such a way in my own thinking so that it make sense to me, that I, as the Temple of God, and the Church as the Body of Christ, withal that that connote, so approach life from its forebearance, through its currency and into even its legacy that those worthy items of its forebearance be found in my great grandniece's and nephew's heritage while allowing them to be, as I was, contemporary to their own generation.

So I think I agree in general, but may repectfully disagree in specification...I just can't quite tell.

Some icons might be useful to me and others not, but that would in no way guarantee their effectiveness or lack thereof to you, or some(any)one else.

There are some things, sans divine intervention, which can only be handed down from generation to generation, if not father to son, then by some suitable if subtle set of surrogates without a direct and critical drought of correlary derivative. Some things on the other hand were better never thunk much less did!

But I was raised outside the bounds of modern('Big D') civilisation, out in W Tex, where farming is still king, and football theory is being and changed and those new ideas we sent to the metropoli are being revised to again conform to the origianl thema with which they were intended, oftentimes embracing the new tech with which they have been imbued along the way.