Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What good is there?

What good is there in saying 'I will be wrong'?  Is this not an understatement?  Aren't understatements rather more sarcastic than edifying?  Now, that is not to say that sometimes one's attention must not be gotten in some unexpected way.  But if I am coaching you and one of the most ubiquitous statements you hear me make is that 'YOU are GOING to screw up', what are you going to remember I told you?  Will this build confidence in the thing you need to further the accomplishment of whatever goal we have set?  (Have we(why) even set a goal, if in the doing we are going to be wrong?)  In other words it would seem to me, at least, that negative construction does nothing for the furtherance of common good much less the individual except under very personal and private conditions(perhaps even only by divine appointment).

So to return again to the begining, I say, 'What good is there?'  There is good in the image I am of God.  There is good in the image You are of God.  There is good in the image We are of God.  If, then there is this good, let us work to accept, develop and share that good into the image, construct and potential that God would have His creation to be.

My ole Uncle Buster, a self taught and Royal Course at St Andrews tested golf pro always said, "Never tell someone what is the wrong thing to do, always tell them what is the right thing to do  Otherwise the image they deal with in the accomplishment of the good is muttled by the image of the wrong, and the good is at best inconsistant and sporadic".

So we need, as one of God's voices, to be attracting, encouraging, and positively accommodating.  Build somone up today.  If God sees the need to destroy our construction, we can live with that, can't we?  I bet He will rebuild even better than before.

If we insist on declaring the destructive ability of God, then we should remember the destruction of the personality of Jonah, when by his own words, Ninevah was saved and Jonah dissappointed.   Would you be a Jonah?   

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